The playfield has been built out to test stage, leaving all switches, and lamps accessible.
Adding the balance of rebuilt solenoid assemblies to the underside, then inserting into body, and testing.
Final playfield build out will complete, after any system bugs are sorted.
The MPU was dead, and I elected to swap it out with a Alltek rather than spend 4+ hours troubleshooting.
The system boots, and runs, independent of the playfield.
The 5 player displays have been changed to Red LED.
Most of the cabinet and playfield metal has been finished in a aluminum metal look, with the legs in a gloss black.
The J3 connector housing on the power rectifier was changed due to heavy burning; likewise all the .156 wire terminals for J1, J2, and J3 were replace with new trifurcon pins.
The .100 pitch pins on the MPU J4 were also replace.
Upon power-up, more connector housing pins may be replaced, based on what’s happening, and for sure some lamp sockets.