Main progress on this project has been the playfield swap.
There are a series of photos attached to this update which will outline the progress steps to follow if you choose to do a swap. The premarking of your new & old playfield for switch, lamp and mount placement, will assist you greatly on the harness transfer, do not skip this step.
Tightening up the harness with extra zip ties, also makes it easier to reach into tight areas with a drill, or driver, without snagging wires.
It’s imperative after a harness swap, that each lamp and switch solder lug is checked twice for deformation, meaning was a lug inadvertently bent and now shorting (touching) a point it should not be, as this happens.
Much work goes on it the backround that you won’t see here, such as the solenoid assembly cleaning and rebuild.
Units such as the coin door being broken down, and cleaned, then reassembled, after it’s powder coated, not the mention the main power/emi filter can.
All the playfield metal was tumble polished for 3-weeks.
The playfield edge rails, and backing plate were sanded, repainted blue, and clearcoated.
The original pop bumper skirts were red, but I changed them to blue.
Will be finished with Bally Eight Ball Deluxe backbox paint and clear early this week, then the Fish Tales cabinet can enter the booth.
Once the cabinet and decals are applied, testing can begin.
This Fish Tales is available for purchase if anyone is interested.