3/8″ OD Mini Rebound Post White Rubber

$0.69 CAD

213 in stock


3/8″ OD Mini Post White Rubber

Usually used on pointy top metal posts, as pictured.

I don’t use these much any more. I have switched to the 7/16″OD, as they provide more bounce, and work better at preventing drains in out lanes. Plus, they are less expensive.

You can view the image showing the thickness difference between a 3/8″ and a 7/16″

There are places where these are needed, such as the upper mini playfield on Pinbot.

Williams / Bally 23-6603

Data East 545-5025-19

Gottlieb A-14793

Additional information

Weight.001 kg
Dimensions.05 × .01 × .01 cm


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