This project is progressing well.
The main cabinet body is full repainted, and clear coated.
All metal has been sandblasted, and powder coated.
The main cabinet has been repopulated, with a cleaned, and re-tightened wiring harness.
The AS-2518-54 power rectifier board has been rebuilt, and just a note for anyone having to rebuild one of these (easy to do) the connectors are “AMP” brand, not Molex!
J5 is usually crispy, and needs changing, issue here is locating the direct solder in through hole 9-pin female receiver. Over the years I have always clipped off and saved plugs from trashed machined, so I had the plug, but……Well in the photos you will see how it was adapted to fit, and I hope this helps someone else out in the future!
As usual I removed the two soldered in “square can” bridge rectifiers, and remote mounted them on the panel; this will allow for a very easy change out, should one fail in the future.
There are two other 4-open diode array bridge rectifiers on this board, they have been left as is.
The playfield side rails were repainted with the cabinet ivory color, which will brighten up the entire playfield; 5 coats of acrylic enamel clear were added to protect the paint from ball hits.
All the solenoid assemblies have been cleaned and rebuilt.
Still working on the pop bumpers, as I’m attempting to modify the split pop system found on this generation of Bally over to the blue DE one piece bracket.
Naturally, all drop target assemblies have received new targets. If you wish to keep the target face looking new, and not loose the ink, or foil image from ball hits, first clear coat them with Acrylic Enamel.
Do 4-5 lite mist passes, with 5-10 minute intervals, for tack-up, then a final heavy pass.
The cabinet head is now in the paint booth, and Ivory base coat is completed; tape off and stenciling will start today.