Ok the playfield swap is now complete. The harness & underside of this playfield was so filthy I just took it to the carwash and cleaned the bulk of the grime off there. There was still areas that needed de-greasing, and that was all done by hand; then the harness was tightened up with added zip ties. Found 15 bad lamp sockets, changed them out.
As usual all lamp traces, tee-nuts, and switch markings were added to the new playfield prior to jumping the harness over. Here a tip: don’t try to re-use the black phillips pan head screws on the new playfields, as the marine grade plywood is too tough. Around 50% the head will torque off before they tighten down, leaving the screw body in the playfield, this also applies to the topside buildout; rather use a new 3/8″ pan head Robertson.
All the playfield, and exterior metal has been sandblasted and powder coated, but will show pic’s in next post.
The side rails and tilt assembly insert board have been cleaned, and sanded, they are both in the paint booth, with a white primer drying overnight, Tomorrow they will be sprayed with a navy blue.
I still do one side of the cabinet at a time, so it’s a slow process.
Purchased a new metal tumbler and it can handle not only larger pieces, but a much larger volume.
Playfield metal is all polished, will up date in next installment!