Cyclone 1988 Williams Full 3-Stage Pinball Restoration-Update
This update pictorial will focus on the wire harness swap.Plus, a few issues found on solenoid assemblies, during rebuild.The outhole assembly ball kicker pivots on a shaft that is pressed into the main assembly base, well, over time the press fit loosened, and started to pivot, so the kicker would try and try to get the ball to the shooter lane, but never had the strength.These types of issues cannot be found, except during a full teardown, clean, and ...
Star Trek 1979 Bally Full 3-Stage Pinball Restoration Update
Cabinet is in the paint booth, but slow progress, due to cold weather, and the need to open vents to the outside.Other parts are progressing in the
How To Build A Wooden Pinball Shipping Crate
I get asked a lot how to build the Shipping Crates.I will just add a picture sequence.This is for a older 2-piece pinball, but not much changes for the newer fold down head models, other than dimensions.I would suggest to always use a 48 x 40 (standard size) pallet.The pin being crated here is Stern Big Game.Purchase some 1 x 2 studs to keep the weight down, and 3/8", or 5/8" OSB sheets.Measure L x W and add 1-1/2" , cut the base frame for ...
Flash Gordon 1981 Bally 2-Stage Pinball Restoration-Completed
OK, so this 2-stage restoration is finished, and gone.Forgot to take final photos.System testing went smooth, had to spend 4-5 hours in final switch adjustments, and tons of play testing."Try again earthling"That was the last customer owned pin in my shop.From this point on all restorations are:A) Pins that have been purchased, and entered the work queue (Cyclone, Jokerz, Phantom of the Opera, Firepower)B) Pins that I have decided to do, ...
Cyclone 1988 Williams Full 3-Stage Pinball Restoration
OK, So the main cabinet body and head are both cleaned, repaired, sanded, and ready for the paint booth.Will start on them once the main Star Trek cabinet is completed.Meanwhile, the playfield swap is underway, as pictured in the attached gallery.Metal is all being sandblasted and powdercoated. Exterior will be a blue that matches the blue in the playfield. The playfield metal will all be finished in a gloss white.The new playfield will receive ...
Star Trek 1979 Bally Full 3-Stage Pinball Restoration
The main cabinet body now has the base coat applied.The 2 secondary colors come next, one side at a time, then the front.Then, after about a 5 day cure, it can be clear coated.Ran into issues with the yellow reacting with the base bondo, had to sand back and redue.Then, the pigment in this yellow is so thick it could not fill minor cracks, and a premixed bondo skim coat had to be applied, then a 230 grit sandback, followed by a white primer, then ...
Flash Gordon 1981 Bally 2-Stage Pinball Restoration
To see restoration progression you can look back to previous posts.The playfield has now been touched up, and cleared with a 2-part automotive hard clear.If you undertaking such a project remember to fill in your lamp sockets, or they will be non conductive later!.I find balled up newsprint to work best; I tried using old bulbs years ago, but they need to be removed with 10 minutes of your last pass, and reaching over the playfield for removal during ...
Cyclone 1988 Williams Full 3-Stage Pinball Restoration
Cyclone "Hey you with the face!" "Well come to my Hoouse" "Round N Round she goes"?Great 1-ball game, up there with Bad Cats.This is a full 3-stage restoration, so the cabinet will be repainted.Finally, have had 2 through the shop in the past, both 2-stage, always wanted to redo a cabinet on this title, as it's worth it.Just like most of these found in the wild, this example is blown out, it will need everything new, everything.Well, it is ...
Flash Gordon 1981 Bally 2-Stage Pinball Restoration
Starting on a 1981 Flash Gordon 2-Stage Restoration, meaning usually no work done to the cabinet.I have started doing a wee bit of cabinet work, just because damage was so visible in the affected areas. If not corrected it would detract from the effort applied to the playfield.There is some mylar to remove from the playfield, and paint touch-up required prior to clear coat being applied.All solenoid assemblies will be rebuilt.All cabinet and ...
Big Game 1980 Stern 2-Stage Pinball Restoration
This Big Game 2-Stage restoration is now complete.Play testing is happening this weekend, so far, no major issues.As on most restorations, the Siegecraft Electronics LED adapter set was added to the lamp driver output lines, to prevent LED flickering; but 4 bulbs still flickered.So, after looking for other issues, such as the sockets, bulb, pins, scr's, metering the resistors on the affected adapter boards, then scratching my head for a day, I decided ...